I have been providing medical reports for the court for over 10 years. The majority of these reports are for claimants rather than defendants. During this time I have been clinical lead for Neurosurgery for the region (2012 – 2014) and clinical lead for Spinal surgery for the region (2009-2016). I maintain my knowledge keeping up to date with my area of expertise by regularly attending and presenting at National and International Spinal meetings, and regularly reviewing the major spinal journals and current literature on line. I maintain social media accounts with all the major spinal journals, regularly attend the National and European Spinal meetings and regularly keep up to date with the current literature.

On average I produce 10 reports per year. I turn down a similar amount as I feel they fall outside of my subspecialty (for instance, paediatric / cranial oncology). The majority of accepted instructions are in relation to complex spinal trauma, road traffic collision related spinal injury and work related spinal accidents. The rest relate to cranial trauma. I am normally able to see a client within 2 weeks of receiving instruction and acceptance of terms. I aim to turn around a report within 5 working days.

At the (minimum) 1 hour appointment the client will be asked to provide photographic ID and any records of previous assessments. Their medical records and any imaging should have been included in the instructions. The appointment will cover a detailed history and relevant neurological /spinal examination. Depending on how the case progresses and any progression in symptoms / disability a further appointment may be required but this is often a shorter process than the original assessment.

Frequently asked questions (to help with pre-interview preparation)


  • What happened during the accident?
  • What treatment did you receive immediately after the accident?
  • Do you have a history of spinal problems?
  • Is there a family history of spinal problems?
  • Where is the pain?
  • When did it start?
  • How severe is the pain?
  • How often during the day / night do you have pain?
  • Is there anything that makes the pain worse?
  • Is there anything that makes the pain better?
  • Does the pain spread to anywhere else in the body?
  • How does the pain impact on your working life?
  • How does the pain impact on your home life?
  • How does the pain impact on your social life?
  • What other symptoms have you experienced?