Allied Health professionals
Most patients with spinal symptoms will settle with conservative therapy over a 4-5 week period. If the patient fails to improve during this time then a neurosurgical spinal referral should be considered. Other indications for a surgical opinion include:
- severe unremitting pain of any duration that is uncontrollable with opiate analgesia
- a progressive neurological deficit (evolving foot drop or sensory loss)
- cauda equina syndrome (indication for an emergency operation)
- any red flag condition
Below is a copy of a referral pathway for spinal pathology.

For further information please see the recent NICE guidelines on the management of back pain.
**It is recommended that emergency NHS referrals are made via the website. This should be followed up with a call to the on call neurosurgical team on (01482) 875875 for advice on the emergency management and to confirm receipt of the referral.**
After spinal surgery the patient will be seen by the inpatient physiotherapy team before discharge. They will go through a number of exercises and educate the patient about posture, lifting and sitting. Booklets will be provided. General advice can be divided into 2 phases.
Early rehab:
- gentle mobilisation – lots of walking
- home exercise programme (‘nerve flossing’)
- postural techniques
- self-managed phased return to work, driving, day to day household activity
- avoid prolonged sitting / standing
- avoid heavy lifting
- avoid long car / train journeys
- avoid flights for first 1 month
Long term spinal care:
- core stability exercise (yoga, pilates)
- weight management
- mixed impact exercise regime (more low – swimming, cycling; less high – running, crossfit)
- avoid heavy lifting
- avoid prolonged sitting
- frequent break on long journeys
- maintain postural techniques (including at work – lumbar support chairs, standing desk)
To contact
Mr Spink’s secretary
at The Spire Hospital, Anlaby
Helen Shearsmith and Kerry Bailey
(01482) 672464
The Spire Hull and East Riding Hospital
Lowfield Road,
Hull HU10 7AZ
To arrange an outpatient appointment at Nuffield Health, York, please contact the appointments team.
To arrange an
outpatient appointment
at Nuffield Health, York
(01904) 891849
Nuffield Health York Hospital,
Haxby Road
York YO31 8TA
To contact
Mr Spink’s secretary
at Hull Royal Infirmary
Jimane Edwards
(01482) 604329
6th floor Alderson house,
Hull Royal Infirmary,
Anlaby Road
Hull HU3 2JZ
At Hull Royal the Neurosurgical ward is located on the 4th floor.
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